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Random acts of kindness (RAK)

At work

  1. Write a "thank you" card to a manager/colleague, or leave a positive post-it note on their desk.
  2. Give a shout out to a coworker using the My High 5 app​.
  3. Bring in fruit or a delicious treat for everyone to enjoy.
  4. Download the random acts of kindness cards. Print, cut them out, and sprinkle them around you!
  5. Try one of the Workplace Kindness Challenge items or access the free calendar for daily ideas to try at your worksite.

At home

  1. Spend uninterrupted time with a friend or family member.
  2. Offer a helping hand with chores and errands.
  3. Make a meal and deliver it to a neighbor. For ideas, check out recipes on Elevate My Wellness.
  4. Check in or send an encouraging message to a friend or family member you haven’t spoken with in a while.
  5. Tell someone you love them.

In the community

  1. ​Start a donation drive for an organization to collect items such as food, clothes, books, and supplies.
  2. Choose a volunteer opportunity endorsed by the County of Santa Clara.
  3. Sign up to volunteer for local organizations or non-profits​.
  4. Pick up litter on your next walk or at your local park.
  5. Visit a nearby nursing home and help an elderly person with their chores.


To yourself

  1. ​Start your day by saying or writing down 3 things you are grateful for in your life.
  2. Decorate your personal space with positive messages.
  3. Spend 10-30 minutes doing something you love, like exercising, listening to music, or creating art.
  4. Celebrate the small wins and treat yourself to some self-care, like a nice meal or a massage.
  5. Download this coloring page to enjoy a creative moment to yourself.